This paper gives a survey of recognition-complexity results for graphs represented by disks in the plane, and it presents some results about graphs represented ...
Feb 28, 2001 · In this paper, we survey recognition-complexity results for disk intersection and contact graphs in the plane. In particular, we refer a ...
Representing graphs by disks and balls (a survey of recognition-complexity results) ... Disk touching graphs realize graphs by representing each vertex as a disk ...
Representing graphs by disks and balls (a survey of recognition-complexity results) · Contents. Discrete Mathematics. Volume 229, Issue 1-3 · PREVIOUS ARTICLE.
Representing graphs by disks and balls (a survey of recognition-complexity results) is a publication on the Charles University in Prague.
Result description. Survey of recognition complexity of graph classes defined by contact or intersection relations of balls in euclidean spaces. Keywords.
Representing graphs by disks and balls (a survey of recognition-complexity results). P Hliněný, J Kratochvıl. Discrete Mathematics 229 (1-3), 101-124, 2001.
Representing graphs by disks and balls (a survey of recognition-complexity results). Article. Feb 2001; DISCRETE MATH. Petr Hlineny. Practical ...
Representing graphs by disks and balls (a survey of recognition-complexity results) · Mathematics, Computer Science. Discret. Math. · 2001.
Representing graphs by disks and balls (a survey of recognition-complexity results). Discrete Math.,. 229 (2001), 101–124. O. R. Musin. Graphs and spherical ...