In this paper we evaluate and compare the methods proposed so far in the lit- erature with a Bayesian approach to judgment aggregation. The assessment criterion ...
May 7, 2009 · The aggregation of consistent individual judgments on logically inter- connected propositions into a collective judgment on the same proposi-.
Abstract. The aggregation of consistent individual judgments on logically interconnected propositions into a collective judgment on the same propositions ...
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The aggregation of consistent individual judgments on logically interconnected propositions into a collective judgment on the same propositions has recently ...
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We focus on two approaches: distance-based procedures and a Bayesian analysis. They correspond to group-internal and group external decision making, ...
The aggregation of consistent individual judgments on logically interconnected propositions into a collective judgment on the same propositions has recently ...
PDF | The aggregation of consistent individual judgments on logically interconnected propositions into a collective judgment on the same propositions.
ABSTRACT. Judgment aggregation is a mathematical theory of collective decision-making. It concerns the methods whereby individual opinions about logically ...
We focus on two approaches: distance-based procedures and a Bayesian analysis. They correspond to group-internal and group external decision making, ...
Hartmann, S., Pigozzi, G., & Sprenger, J. M. (2010). Reliable methods of judgment aggregation. Journal for Logic and Computation, 20(2), 603-617. Hartmann, S. ; ...
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