Abstract. Relative correctness is the property of a program to be more- correct than another with respect to a specification. Whereas tradition-.
This paper is evolving a technique, called debugging without testing, in which it can remove a fault from a program and prove that the new program is ...
Relative correctness is the property of a program to be more- correct than another with respect to a specification. Whereas tradition-Ally we distinguish ...
Relative correctness is the property of a program to be morecorrect than another with respect to a specification. Whereas traditionally we distinguish between ...
Vol-1689/paper10⫷Vol-1689/paper11⫸Vol-1689/paper12. Wided Ghardallou Ali Mili Nafi Diallo. Relative Correctness: A Bridge Between Proving and Testing.
Relative correctness: a bridge between testing and proving. N Diallo, W Ghardallou, A Mili. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 1689, 141-156, 2016. 4, 2016.
Wided Ghardallou, Ali Mili, Nafi Diallo: Relative Correctness: A Bridge Between Proving and Testing. VECoS 2016: 141-156. manage site settings.
Testing should be used in combination with logical thought, assertions, invariants, and proofs of correctness.
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In this research a theory of relative correctness is used to implement an instance of a generic algorithm of program repair, whose core idea is to enhance ...
Jan 17, 2022 · The belief that a piece of software is correct should rest primarily on the reasoning process, which amounts to an informal proof of correctness.