Conventional wisdom, that smaller components contain relatively fewer faults may be wrong. The author found that medium-sized components were proportionately ...
This author found that medium-sized components were proportionately more reliable than small or large ones. Moreover, he says, there may be limits on the fault ...
The author found that medium-sized components were proportionately more reliable than small or large ones, and there may be limits on the fault density the ...
To put it succinctly, defect growth and component size appear inextricably linked through the mechanism of information theory. Observes from a number of ...
This author found that medium-sized components were proportionately more reliable than large or small ones.
TL;DR: The author found that medium-sized components were proportionately more reliable than small or large ones, and there may be limits on the fault density ...
Conventional wisdom is that smaller components contain proportionately fewer faults · Hatton empirically found that medium-sized components were proportionately ...
Conventional wisdom, that smaller components contain relatively fewer faults may be wrong. The author found that medium-sized components were proportionately ...
Hatton, Leslie (1997) Re-examining the fault density - component size connection. IEE Software, 14 (2). pp. 89-97. ISSN 0740-7459.