The demand for high Safety levels in industrial applications is growing. New certification and documentation requirements increase the product cost ...
The demand for high Safety levels in industrial applications is growing. New certification and documentation requirements increase the product cost.
We propose in this work an extension of the CESAR safety framework in order to support the definition, management, monitoring and validation of customer ...
New certification and documentation requirements increase the product cost significantly. New or improved methods for high level specification and design may ...
The CESAR project ABB, NTNU and SINTEF investigates if the Boiler Plate and Domain Specific Language approach for specification can be used to facilitate ...
The quality of Software Requirements Specification (SRS) is crucial in order to ensure successful project completion. SRS of poor quality usually lacks of ...
The book summarizes the findings and contributions of the European ARTEMIS project, CESAR, for improving and enabling interoperability of methods, tools, ...
The main challenge taken up by the CESAR project was to reduce the time, and thereby the cost, of development by some 30% by improving the tools and methods for ...
Giorgi Engineering chose Hexagon's CAESAR II, the industry standard for pipe stress analysis for the project. This was done because of the user-friendliness ...
The SP3 objective is to contribute to decrease the development time of critical real time embedded systems offering reusability and product lines ...
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