The first step consists in reducing, segmenting and labeling a data set of virtual characters into simpler body parts; labeling information is then manually ...
Current authoring techniques produce good results but are laborious, and demand valuable graphics memory and computational resources beyond the reach of ...
Animating varied crowds using a diversity of models and animations (assets) is complex and costly. One has to use models that are expensive if bought, take a ...
With the new techniques, the visual quality of the crowd is improved due to the increase in diversity, and the existing crowd variety is often hard to ...
Reducing memory requirements for diverse animated crowds. S Ruiz, B Hernandez, A Alvarado, I Rudomín. Proceedings of Motion on Games, 77-86, 2013. 38, 2013 ; Gpu ...
This paper focuses on improving the performance, variety, and usability of crowd animation systems.
共著者 ; Reducing memory requirements for diverse animated crowds. S Ruiz, B Hernández, A Alvarado, I Rudomín. Proceedings of Motion on Games, 77-86, 2013. 38 ...
This paper considers the problem of how best to render large crowds of animated characters. Linear-blend skinning is a commonly applied technique and is ...
The system outperforms similar methods in memory requirements and/or complexity and is capable of rendering crowds composed of a quarter million characters.
most of previously proposed techniques for reducing the memory consumption and increasing the crowd diversity, such as removal of unused regions and ...