In this respect, this paper presents a novel SCN node architecture based on a device in which a microcontroller manages all the network functionality as well as ...
Smart Camera Networks (SCNs) is an emerging research field which represents the natural evolution of centralized computer vision applications towards full ...
Aug 15, 2024 · In this respect, this paper presents a novel SCN node architecture based on a device in which a microcontroller manages all the network ...
Abstract. Smart Camera Networks (SCNs) is nowadays an emerging research field which represents the natural evolution of centralized computer vision ...
A novel SCN node architecture based on a device in which a microcontroller manages all the network functionality as well as the remote configuration, ...
More recently, FPGA-based platforms have been studied for their massive parallelism capabilities. This paper present our new FPGA-based smart camera platform ...
Figure 5: Example of the architecture design flow. Reconfigurable FPGA architecture for computer vision applications in Smart Camera Networks. Conference ...
... Reconfigurable FPGA architecture for computer vision applications in smart camera networks. In: 2013 Seventh International Conference on Distributed Smart ...
The paper proposes an optimized design of the histogram extractor algorithm targeted to low-complexity and low-cost FPGA based Smart Cameras. The proposed ...
Architecture designs for smart camera applications can be configured on the FPGA platform to better optimize the memory subsystem and computation structures.