Abstract: This paper proposes a real-time foot attitude estimation approach consists of a foot attitude acquisition and an auto-calibration method.
A real-time foot attitude estimation approach consists of a foot attitude acquisition and an auto-calibration method based on the force sensor equipped at ...
Abstract— This paper proposes a real-time foot attitude estimation approach consists of a foot attitude acquisition and an auto-calibration method.
This paper proposes a real-time foot attitude estimation approach consists of a foot attitude acquisition and an auto-calibration method.
This paper proposes a real-time foot attitude estimation approach consists of a foot attitude acquisition and an auto-calibration method.
Real-Time Foot Attitude Estimation for a Humanoid Robot Based on Inertial Sensors and Force Sensor · Conference Paper. March 2009. ·. 26 Reads. ·. 3 Citations.
We also propose how to determine the theoretical minimum force sensor set for full body estimation, and discuss the practical limitations of doing so. I.
Real-time foot attitude estimation for a humanoid robot based on inertial sensors and force sensor · Engineering. 2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics…
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