The skin is modeled by a mass-spring system with nonlinear springs which have a biphasic stress-strain relationship to simulate the elastic dynamics of real ...
In this study, we propose a physically-based approach based on anatomical knowledge for real-time .facial ex- pression animation.
In this study, we propose a physically-based approach based on anatomical knowledge for real-time facial expression animation.
Abstract: In this study, we propose a physically-based approach based on anatomical knowledge for real-time facial expression animation.
Real-time Physically-based Facial Animation. For the computation of the physics of the facial skin tissue, we use a mass-spring-damper (MSD) system which ...
This paper proposes a physically-based facial animation approach employing knowledge from the anatomy and biomechanics of human facial muscles.
The physical simulation propagates the muscle forces through the physics-based synthetic skin thereby deforming the skin to produce facial expressions.
We develop a 3D dynamic face model which can be simulated and rendered on a high-end graphics workstation to synthesize real-time animated facial images. An ...
The physical model [12, 23] simulates skin, tissue and muscle by multilayer deformed meshes, and the facial surface can then be deformed by muscle forces ...
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In this dissertation, we present physics-based real-time facial animation generated by muscle deformations. Unlike previous muscle-based facial animation ...