We present a method for using ray tracing to render spline surfaces-one that is suitable for any object generated from control vertices via tensor-product ...
Oct 4, 2021 · I read everywhere that ray-tracing (B-)spline surfaces is pretty much not-done so I'm now wondering how software like LightTools deals with splines.
A simple control vertex graph and the results of two selected levels of refinement are shown in Figures 2 through 4. Boundary vertices and closed surfaces. Note ...
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Recent advances in ray-tracing free-form surfaces have allowed the integration of free-form objects in CSG systems. This presentation will discuss the ...
A method is developed to determine whether a ray in 3D space intersects a segment of a uniform B-spline surface. If it does, the method quickly finds ...
A method for using ray tracing to render spline surfaces that is suitable for any object generated from control vertices via tensor-product B-splines, ...
Usually, the arbitrarily shaped objects (aircrafts, ships) are described in terms of free-form parametric surfaces, such as nonuniform rational B-splines (NURBS) ...
Usually freeform surfaces are a better way to get an appropriate description of real objects. Today these are mostly Bezier or B-spline surfaces. These methods ...
This paper describes an algorithm that performs these calculations efficiently. In a preprocessing step, the surface is subdivided adaptively into parts.
May 4, 2023 · Optical surfaces that are highly freeform and contain both global and local structures can be represented by B-splines, especially by its subset ...