Experimental setup. ➢309 hour Switchboard-I and 20 hour Call Home English training set. ➢Hub5e evaluation set. ➢Features: 36 dimensional FBANK features, ...
More specifically, the foundation of the paper's investigated approach lies in; the accurate identification of network traffic using deep packet inspection, ...
In this paper, we propose an alternative d-code extraction method to replace SC based on modeling speaker information with BLSTM-RNN which makes one-pass ...
Rapid speaker adaptation based on D-code extracted from BLSTM-RNN in LVCSR ... Speaker adaptation OF RNN-BLSTM for speech recognition based on speaker code.
Rapid Speaker Adaptation Based on D-code Extracted from BLSTM-RNN in LVCSR. 14 October 2016 - 12:26pm 302 Downloads. Shaofei Xue.
Recently, several fast speaker adaptation methods based on the so-called speaker codes (SC) have been proposed for the hybrid DNN-HMM speech recognition model [ ...
RNN-BLSTM 声学模型的说话人自适应方法研究. 黄智颖. 中国科学技术大学, 2017. 2, 2017. Rapid speaker adaptation based on D-code extracted from BLSTM-RNN in LVCSR. S ...
Apr 25, 2024 · Rapid speaker adaptation based on D-code extracted from BLSTM-RNN in LVCSR. ISCSLP 2016: 1-5; 2015. [c5]. view. electronic edition via DOI ...
RAPID SPEAKER ADAPTATION BASED ON D-CODE EXTRACTED FROM BLSTM-RNN IN. LVCSR ...................................................................................
Investigating gated recurrent neural networks for acoustic modeling. 1-5 ... Rapid speaker adaptation based on D-code extracted from BLSTM-RNN in LVCSR.