Renaming is a task in distributed computing where n processes are assigned new names from a name space of size m. The problem is called tight if m = n, ...
In this paper we consider tight as well as loose renaming and introduce randomized algorithms that achieve their tasks with high probability.
In this paper we consider tight as well as loose renaming and introduce randomized algorithms that achieve their tasks with high probability. The model assumed ...
Renaming is a task in distributed computing where n processes are assigned new names from a name space of size m. The problem is called tight if m = n, ...
Renaming is a task in distributed computing where n processes are assigned new names from a name space of size m. The problem is called tight if m = n, and ...
Renaming is a task in distributed computing where n processes are assigned new names from a name space of size m. The problem is called tight if m = n, and ...
Abstract—Renaming is a task in distributed com- puting where n processes are assigned new names from a name space of size m. The problem is called.
(DOI: 10.1109/IPDPS.2015.77) Renaming is a task in distributed computing where n processes are assigned new names from a name space of size m.
Renaming is a task in distributed computing where n processes are assigned new names from a name space of size m. The problem is called tight if m=n, ...
Renaming specification. • N processes start with unique identifiers from 1 to Y. • t < N processes may fail by crashing. • Read-write shared memory (MWMR atomic).