In this paper we present REME-D, an online debugger that integrates techniques from distributed debugging (event-based debugging, message breakpoints) and ...
ABSTRACT. Debuggers are an integral part, albeit often neglected, of the development of distributed applications. Ambient-oriented.
Ambient-oriented programming (AmOP) is a distributed paradigm for applications running on mobile ad hoc networks. In AmOP the complexity of programming in a ...
In this paper we present REME-D, an online debugger that integrates techniques from distributed debugging (event-based debugging, message breakpoints) and ...
REME-D: a reflective epidemic message-oriented debugger for ambient-oriented applications. E. Boix, C. Noguera, T. Cutsem, W. Meuter, and T. D'Hondt.
... D'Hondt REME-D: a reflective epidemic message-oriented debugger for ambient-oriented applications. SAC, 2011. SAC 2011 · DBLP · Scholar · DOI. Full names. Links
Dive into the research topics of 'REME-D: a Reflective, Epidemic Message-Oriented Debugger for Ambient-Oriented Applications'. Together they form a unique ...
Bibliographic details on REME-D: a reflective epidemic message-oriented debugger for ambient-oriented applications.
The debug module of the IdeAT plugin launches a debugging session with REME-D (read as remedy), a Reflective Epidemic Message-Oriented Debugger for AmbientTalk.
We present REME-D (read as remedy), an online ambient-oriented debugger that integrates techniques from distributed debugging (event-based debugging, message ...