Abstract: In order to enable Exascale computing, next generation interconnection networks must scale to hundreds of thousands of nodes, and must provide ...
Aug 19, 2024 · The EU-funded RED-SEA project brings together the top European academic centres and the main European industrial forces in the domain of ...
RED-SEA will pave the way to the next generation of European Exascale interconnects, including the next generation of BXI.
RED-SEA prepares a new-generation network interconnect to power the future EU Exascale systems. RED-SEA will build upon the European interconnect BXI.
RED-SEA will support and drive extreme scale computing and data driven technologies within Europe by extending and optimizing the European BXI. Exascale-class ...
The RED-SEA project prepares a new-generation of European. Network Interconnect, capable of powering the EU Exascale systems to come, leveraging efficient ...
The RED-SEA [11] project faces the challenge of preparing a next generation European Interconnect, capable of powering the EU Exascale systems to come.
Network interconnect is the backbone of an HPC system, linking the compute nodes together. To reach the exascale with an acceptable energy footprint, ...
RED-SEA: Network Solution for Exascale Architectures. from exapsys.eu
RED-SEA will build upon the European interconnect BXI (BullSequana eXascale Interconnect), together with standard and mature technology (Ethernet) and previous ...
ASIC design, FPGA design, GPU programming and integration, Network design, dense system integration, parallel programming and application coding ...