We conclude by discussing to what extent various existing query languages have implicitly adopted generalized quantifiers and some related features. Indeed, the ...
In this paper, we establish a link between the phenomenon of sub-query syntax in query languages and the theory of generalized quantifiers in linguistics. Hav-.
In this paper we argue that query languages with Generalized Quantifiers can be used to produce cooperative question answering (Gaasterland et al., 1992). We ...
May 9, 2016 · In this paper we argue that query languages with Generalized Quantifiers can be used to produce cooperative question answering (Gaasterland et ...
Quantifiers in Action: Generalized Quantification in Query, Logical and Natural Languages (Advances in Database Systems, Vol. 37) 2009 edition by Badia, Antonio ...
A family of query languages with generalized quantifiers: Its definition, properties and expressiveness. Abstract. In this thesis, we introduce a logic ...
It is well known that SQL's syntax sometimes forces users to write queries in an awkward way. Together with the danger of formulating an incorrect query, ...
In this paper, we introduce a query language with generalized quantifiers (QLGQ) and show how it could be used to help bridge the gap between the two fields.
A generalized quantifier is a particular kind of operator on sets. Coming under increasing attention recently by linguists and logicians, they correspond to ...
ABSTRACT. We present research aimed at improving our understanding of the use and implementation of quantification in relational query languages in general ...