As an initial step toward improving the usability of knowledge graphs, we propose to query such data by example entity tuples, without requiring users to form ...
Nov 8, 2013 · We propose to query such data by example entity tuples, without requiring users to form complex graph queries.
Toward better usability of query systems over knowledge graphs, GQBE allows users to query knowledge graphs by example entity tuples without writing complex ...
We present GQBE, a system that allows users to query large knowledge graphs by example tuples of entities without having to write complex structured queries.
Given a knowledge graph G and a query tuple t, our goal is to find the top-k similar answer tuples t′. Figure 1 depicts the overall architecture of GQBE. The ...
We propose to query such data by example entity tuples, without requiring users to form complex graph queries.
We propose to query such data by example entity tuples, without requiring users to form complex graph queries.
Oct 22, 2024 · It efficiently finds and ranks the top approximate answer tuples. For fast query processing, GQBE only partially evaluates query graphs. We ...
Our system, Graph Query By Example (GQBE), automatically discovers a weighted hidden maximum query graph based on input query tuples, to capture a user's query ...
People also ask
The basic structure of the query is to find, or match, entities and return those entities, where the entities you want to find are identified in parentheses.