We combined the mutual information score and TF × IDF score (IR score) in order to select the best keyword translation in our transitive translation.
We combined the mutual information score and TF × IDF score (IR score) in order to select the best keyword translation in our transitive translation.
We combined the mutual information score and TF × IDF score (IR score) in order to select the best keyword translation in our transitive translation.
Abstract. We combined the mutual information score and TF×IDF score (IR score) in order to select the best keyword translation in our transitive.
We propose a query transitive translation system of a CLIR (Cross Language Informa- tion Retrieval) for a source language with a poor data resource.
Our research aim here is to build a CLIR system that works for a language pair with poor resources where the source language (e.g. Indonesian) has limited.
We combined the mutual information score and TF × IDF score (IR score) in order to select the best keyword translation in our transitive translation. The ...
The highest CLIR score is achieved by transitive machine translation using excite machine (iej-mx). The highest bilingual dictionary based CLIR score is ...
We propose a query transitive translation system of a CLIR (Cross Language Information Retrieval) for a source language with a poor data resource.
Our Indonesian-Japanese CLIR system employs the existing Japanese IR system, and we focus our research on the Indonesian-Japanese query translation. There are ...