Multi query optimization aims at exploiting common sub-expressions, to reduce the evaluation cost of queries, by computing them once and then caching them for ...
Abstract. Complex queries are becoming commonplace, with the growing use of decision support systems. Deci- sion support queries often have a lot of common ...
Multi query optimization taking into account query scheduling involves several decisions. The first two de- cisions are part of the job of a any multi query ...
Abstract: Complex queries are becoming commonplace, with the growing use of decision support systems. Decision support queries often have a lot of common ...
2.1 Intractability of Scheduling. The problem of finding an ordering of the queries is an important part of scheduling in multi-query optimization. In this ...
Database systems frequently have to execute a batch of related queries. Multi-query optimization exploits evalu- ation plans that share common results.
Query Scheduling in Multi Query Optimization. Article. Share on. Query Scheduling in Multi Query Optimization. Authors: Amit Gupta, S. Sudarshan, and S.
Several algorithms are presented that consider the total size of sub-expressions within each query, and the possibility of dynamically changing the cache ...
Aug 26, 2023 · We tackle the algebraic optimization problem in PsiDB by developing equivalence rules to transform concurrent queries with the purpose of revealing query ...
This article proposes a cache pattern with multiqueries and describes the multi-query optimization with scheduling, caching and pipelining A set of cache ...