Figure 1 illustrates the research problems and the QMAS. (Querying, Mining And Summarization of Multi-modal. Databases) results. Figure 1a is a sample ...
In this paper, we propose QMAS (Querying, Mining And Summarization of Multi-modal Databases), a fast solution to the following problems: (i) low-labor labeling ...
Nov 2, 2010 · In this paper we propose QMAS: Querying, Mining And Summarization of Multi-modal. Databases. Our method is a fast (O(N)) solution to the ...
In this paper, we propose QMAS (Querying, Mining And Summarization of Multi-modal Databases), a fast solution to the following problems: (i) low-labor labeling ...
We show that QMAS scales linearly with the data size, being up to 40 times faster than top competitors (GCap), obtaining better or equal accuracy. In contrast ...
Apr 20, 2014 · This paper proposes QuMinS: Querying, Mining and Summarizing Multi-modal Databases. Our method is a novel, very fast and scalable ( ...
Dec 1, 2010 · QMAS: Querying, Mining and Summarization of Multi-modal Databases. Cordeiro R.L., Guo F., Haverkamp D.S., Horne J.H., Hughes E.K., Kim G ...
QMAS scales linearly with the number of images, obtaining better or equal accuracy while being up to 40 times faster than its baseline algorithm. With limited ...
QMAS: querying, mining and summarization of multi-modal databases (2010). Authors: Cordeiro, Robson Leonardo Ferreira · Guo, Fan - Carnegie Mellon University ...
QMAS: Querying, Mining and Summarization of Multi-modal Databases · Ieee Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 1 80 Million Tiny Images: a ...