Cumberland Lodge, Windsor, UK August 28-31, 2018. The New Security Paradigms Workshop (NSPW) seeks embryonic, disruptive, and unconventional ideas on ...
Aug 28, 2018 · NSPW '18: New Security Paradigms Workshop Windsor United Kingdom August 28 - 31, 2018. ISBN: 978-1-4503-6597-0. Published: 28 August 2018. In ...
NSPW 2018 Proceedings ; Augmenting Machine Learning with Argumentation · ) Matthew A. Bishop, Carrie E. Gates, Karl N. Levitt ; Against Mindset · ) Arne Padmos.
Missing: Windsor, UK, August 28-31,
Bibliographic details on Proceedings of the New Security Paradigms Workshop, NSPW 2018, Windsor, UK, August 28-31, 2018.
Proceedings of the New Security Paradigms Workshop, NSPW 2018, Windsor, UK, August 28-31, 2018. ACM 2018, ISBN 978-1-4503-6597-0 [contents]. NSPW 2017: Santa ...
The New Security Paradigms Workshop (NSPW), first held in 1992, is a unique workshop devoted to the critical examination of new and existing paradigms.
NSPW 2018 will be held at the Cumberland Lodge in Windsor, UK from August 28-31, 2018. As in the past, this choice of venue is designed to facilitate ...
Levitt (2018). Arguing for Argumentation in Break the Glass Scenarios. In Proceedings of the 2018 New Security Paradigms Workshop. Windsor, UK. 28-31 August ...
Jan 22, 2019 · Shi ing Paradigms: Using Strategic Foresight to Plan for Security Evolution NSPW '18, August 28–31, 2018, Windsor, United Kingdom. Table 1 ...
Abstract ; NSPW '18, August 28–31, 2018, Windsor, United Kingdom Aaron Ceross and Andrew Simpson ; Anonymity. Anonymity is a property of identity concealment,.