The results suggest that, in order of importance, the best and significant predictors for differentiating the three groups from each other (first function) are “motivation to participate,” “level of participatory democracy in the country,” and “use of Twitter.” In order of importance, “security and ethical issues” and ...
Sep 22, 2021
DFA results showed "motivation to participate," "the level of participatory democracy in the country," and higher levels of the "use of Twitter" as the ...
DFA results showed “motivation to participate,” “the level of participatory democracy in the country,” and higher levels of the “use of Twitter” as the ...
The aim of the current research is to determine the factors that predict the applicability level of e-democracy (i.e., “reporting and declaring opinions” ...
Sep 22, 2021 · DFA results showed “motivation to participate,” “the level of participatory democracy in the country,” and higher levels of the “use of Twitter” ...
Chadwick, A. (2003). Bringing e-democracy back in: Why it matters for future research on e-governance. Social Science Computer Review, 21(4), 443–455.
Predictors of E-Democracy Applicability in Turkish K-12 Schools. Peer reviewed. Direct link. Sendag, Serkan; Toker, Sacip; Uredi ...
Predictors of E-Democracy Applicability in Turkish K-12 Schools. Peer reviewed. Direct link. Sendag, Serkan ...
... Predictors of e-democracy applicability in Turkish K-12 schools. Article. Full-text available. Apr 2022; Educ Inform Tech. Serkan Şendağ ...
The results showed that most of the pre-service teachers believed in e-democracy, while they rarely participated in e-politics. Findings also indicated that ...