This study aims to provide a rapid screening tool for assessment of sustainable flood retention basins (SFRBs) to predict corresponding dam failure risks.
Predicting dam failure risk for sustainable flood retention basins: A generic case study for the wider Greater Manchester area. September 2012; Computers ...
Apr 25, 2024 · Predicting dam failure risk for sustainable flood retention basins: A generic case study for the wider Greater Manchester area. Comput ...
Predicting dam failure risk for sustainable flood retention basins: A generic case study for the wider Greater Manchester area · E. Danso-AmoakoM. Scholz ...
... Predicting Dam Failure Risk for Sus- tainable Flood Retention Basins: a Generic Case Study for the Wider Greater Manchester Area (submitted to a journal).
This paper recommends a rapid classification methodology for Sustainable Flood Retention Basins to control runoff in a temperate climate.
Sep 1, 2023 · Predicting dam failure risk for sustainable flood retention basins: A generic case study for the wider Greater Manchester area. Comput ...
Sep 25, 2021 · Predicting dam failure risk for sustainable flood retention basins: A generic case study for the wider Greater Manchester area.Computers ...
“Predicting dam failure risk for sustainable flood retention basins: A generic case study for the wider Greater Manchester area.” Comput. Environ. Urban ...