We apply this algorithm to construct a cubic time algorithm for the class of interval equations using least upper bounds, addition, intersection with constant ...
Abstract. We consider a class of arithmetic equations over the complete lattice of integers (extended with −∞ and ∞) and provide a polynomial time ...
Abstract. We consider a class of arithmetic equations over the complete lattice of integers (extended with −∞ and ∞) and provide a polynomial.
We consider a class of arithmetic equations over the complete lattice of integers (extended with −∞ and ∞) and provide a polynomial time algorithm for ...
Abstract. We consider a class of arithmetic equations over the complete lattice of integers (extended with -∞ and ∞) and provide a polynomial time algorithm ...
Nov 21, 2024 · Abstract. We consider a class of arithmetic equations over the complete lattice of integers (extended with −∞ and ∞) and provide a polynomial ...
For systems of equations with addition and least upper bounds, this algorithm is a smooth generalization of the Bellman-Ford algorithm for computing the single ...
For systems of equations with addition and least upper bounds, this algorithm is a smooth generalization of the Bellman-Ford algorithm for computing the single ...
We consider a class of arithmetic equations over the complete lattice of integers (extended with −∞ and ∞) and provide a polynomial time algorithm for
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