We use principles of perceptual grouping to evaluate the approximation quality obtained in each Expecta- tion Maximization (EM) step. By evaluating EM ...
Our goal is polygonal approximation of laser range data points obtained by a mobile robot. The proposed approach provides a precise estimation of the number ...
This work uses principles of perceptual grouping to evaluate the approximation quality obtained in each expectation maximization (EM) step, and is able to ...
2004. This paper presents a new approach to the problem of building a global map from laser range data, utilizing shape based object recognition techniques ...
Lakaemper: Polygonal Approximation of Laser Range Data Based on Perceptual Grouping and EM. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Orlando ...
Polygonal approximation of edge pixels can also be interpreted as grouping of edge pixels to parts of object contours. The presented approach is described in ...
Polygonal Approximation of Laser Range Data based on Perceptual Grouping and EM. ... Our goal is polygonal approximation of laser range data points ...
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We present experi- mental results in two domains. One is polygonal approxi- mation of laser range data, which is an active research topic in robot navigation.
Polygonal Approximation of Laser Range Data based on Perceptual Grouping and EM. Conference Paper. Jan 2006. Longin Jan Latecki · Rolf Lakaemper.
A polygonal approximation of a set of coplanar points consists in finding a set of segments that fit at the best through the points. The main goal is then to.
Missing: Grouping EM.