In this paper we present a novel method for ℓ∞ triangulation that minimizes the ℓ∞ norm of the ℓ∞ reprojection errors: this apparently small difference leads to ...
In this paper we present a novel method for ℓ ∞ triangulation that minimizes the ℓ ∞ norm of the ℓ ∞ reprojection errors: this apparently small difference leads ...
This attractive property of L ∞ minimization has led to various optimal n-view triangulation methods under the L ∞ -norm [2, 6, 10,15,18,24]. Moreover, ...
In this paper we present a novel method for ℓ∞ triangulation that minimizes the ℓ∞ norm of the ℓ∞ reprojection errors: this apparently small difference leads to ...
Other title: Point triangulation through polyhedron collapse using the l(infinity) norm ; ISBN: 978-1-4673-8390-5 ; ISSN: 1550-5499 ; Author: Donné, Simon UGent ...
Multi-camera triangulation of feature points based on a minimisation of the overall l(2) reprojection error can get stuck in suboptimal local minima or ...
In this paper we present a novel method for L-infinity triangulation that minimizes the L-infinity norm of the L-infinity reprojection errors: this apparently ...
Point Triangulation Through Polyhedron Collapse Using the l-infinity Norm. ICCV 2015. T.-J. Chin, D. Suter: The Maximum Consensus Problem: Recent ...
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In this paper, we conduct an experimental comparison of the Linear-Eigen method, the LM method, the Polyhedron collapse method, the Q-Sweep method, and the IRMP.
Point triangulation through polyhedron collapse using the l infinity norm. In. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Com- puter Vision, pages ...