May 7, 2021 · We propose PinpointFly, an egocentric drone interface that allows pilots to arbitrarily position and rotate a drone using position-control direct interactions.
We propose PinpointFly, an egocentric drone interface that allows users to arbitrarily position and rotate a flying drone using position control ...
May 7, 2021 · PinpointFly: An Egocentric Position-control Drone Interface using Mobile AR Linfeng Chen, Kazuki Takashima, Kazuyuki Fujita, ...
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PinpointFly: An Egocentric Position-pointing Drone Interface using Mobile AR. from www.semanticscholar.org
This work proposes PinpointFly, an egocentric drone interface that allows pilots to arbitrarily position and rotate a drone using position-control direct ...
We propose PinpointFly, an egocentric drone interface that allows users to arbitrarily position and rotate a flying drone using position control ...
The drone attempts to hover at a given position while the human pulls it in desired direction using a hand grip and a leash. Based on the displacement, a ...
This work proposes PinpointFly, an egocentric drone interface that allows pilots to arbitrarily position and rotate a drone using position-control direct ...
PinpointFly: An Egocentric Position-pointing Drone Interface using Mobile AR. from www.icd.riec.tohoku.ac.jp
An egocentric interface that allows users to arbitrarily position and rotate a flying drone by position control interactions on a see-through mobile AR.
Nov 14, 2019 · This content isn't available. PinpointFly: An Egocentric Position- ...
PinpointFly: An Egocentric Position-pointing Drone Interface using Mobile AR. from paper.nweon.com
Title: PinpointFly: An Egocentric Position-pointing Drone Interface using Mobile AR. Teams: Tohoku University. Writers: Linfeng Chen;Akiyuki ...