We propose a new adaptive governor to solve this problem, which uses a simple trained hardware model of cache interconnect characteristics, along with real- ...
This shows that our approach achieves a speedup of up to 40%, and a 70% energy saving, including a 30% speedup in common mobile applications such as video ...
CStream facilitates exploration of this trade-off by allowing stream compression tasks to be run at varying frequency settings.
Jun 16, 2020 · We first present the detail of how the Linux kernel man- ages CPU frequencies by default, then propose a refined version which leverages runtime ...
Performance Optimization on big.LITTLE Architectures: A Memory-latency Aware Approach · Wolff, W. & Porter, B., 1/06/2020, LCTES '20: The 21st ACM SIGPLAN ...
These benchmarks was used for the paper "Performance Optimization on big.LITTLE Architectures: A Memory-latency Aware Approach" accepted at LCTES2020.
LCTES. Author of Performance Optimization on big.LITTLE Architectures: A Memory-latency Aware Approach within the LCTES 2020-track ...
2020. LCTES. Performance Optimization on big.LITTLE Architectures: A Memory-latency Aware Approach. Show activities from other conferences. Share. PLDI 2020 ...
Performance Optimization on big.LITTLE Architectures: A Memory-latency Aware Approach. Willy Wolff; Barry Porter. The energy demands of modern mobile devices ...
Therefore, optimizing the remote access bottleneck can have significant positive impact on the overall performance of multi-GPU systems [25, 42]. Each GPU shown ...