This paper presents the performance analysis of one type of forging manipulator based on a new approach for the calculation of Jacobian matrices.
The research in this paper can be served as fundamentals of design and optimization of forging manipulators, and predict the best work conditions.
This paper presents the performance analysis of one type of forging manipulator based on a new approach for the calculation of Jacobian matrices.
Abstract. This paper presents the performance analysis of one type of forging manipulator based on a new approach for the calculation of Jacobian matrices.
Performance Analysis of a Forging Manipulator Based on the Composite Modeling Method ... Composite Modeling Method in Dynamics of Planar Mechanical System.
Bibliographic details on Performance Analysis of a Forging Manipulator Based on the Composite Modeling Method.
Mar 22, 2023 · This paper presents the performance analysis of one type of forging manipulator based on a new approach for the calculation of Jacobian matrices ...
This paper presents the performance analysis of one type of forging manipulator based on a new approach for the calculation of Jacobian matrices. The Jacobian ...
Abstract. This paper presents a modular approach for the calculation of the Jacobian matrix based on the composite modeling method.
A novel major-motion mechanism of forging manipulators is developed using a basic module mechanism combination method.