In this paper, a code allocation method is used instead of the traditional “random” allocation method in order to provide the optimal performance for ...
The code allocation method main- ly assigns the code matrix to each user by both utilizing the cod- ing properties of multilevel prime codes (MPCs) and ...
The code allocation method mainly assigns the code matrix to each user by both utilizing the coding properties of multilevel prime codes (MPCs) and ...
The analysis reveals that the proposed system achieves significant performance improvement compared to Walsh Hadamard spreading code in MIMO MC-DS/CDMA systems.
To overcome this drawback and to increase the throughput we are using the concept of OFDM along with CDMA. This concept is represented as the Orthogonal CDMA.
Aug 16, 2023 · This research discusses how a coded modulation scheme might improve the performance of time- spreading wavelength-hopping OCDMA system. We use ...
Missing: Allocation | Show results with:Allocation
Aug 16, 2023 · Analytical results show that the proposed system offers significant improvement in terms of bit error rate and system capacity (number of users) ...
This book presents the effect of dispersion property of optical fiber and multiple access interference (MAI) due to unique signature codes in the optical ...
Missing: Method. | Show results with:Method.
Each OFDM symbols are modulated with the optical ZCC code by using the external modulator. This code is implemented by the Wavelength. Division Multiplexing ( ...
Oct 10, 2011 · In this paper, performance of incoherent and asynchronous optical CDMA (OCDMA) systems employing “optical encoding” is investigated and the ...
Missing: Allocation | Show results with:Allocation