We show a preflow mincut graph has a perfect fractional packing containing at most m+n-2 distinct arborescences. This fractional packing can be found in time O( ...
Dec 31, 1996 · A perfect packing of a-arborescences contains each vertex in {lambda}(v) arborescences and contains some fixed vertex in every arborescence.
H. N. Gabow, Perfect arborescence packing in preflow mincut graphs, Tech. Rept. CSCI-790-95, Dept. of Comp. Sci., Univ. of Col. at Boulder, Boulder, CO, 1995.
Bibliographic details on Perfect Arborescence Packing in Preflow Mincut Graphs.
The most efficient algorithms for packing and covering in capacitated graphs are due to Trubin [Tru91] running in the time for O(n³) network flow computations.
Missing: Perfect Preflow Mincut
The algorithm provides a new proof of Edmonds' theorem for arborescence packing, for both integral and real capacities, based on a laminar family of sets ...
Missing: Perfect Preflow Mincut
In this paper, we address the question of how efficiently we can compute a maximum packing of edge-disjoint arborescences in practice, compared to the time ...
Missing: Perfect Preflow
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The main idea is to use a centroid-based recursive decomposition of the arborescence, where in each step, we use a set of maxflow calls that can be amortized ...
Missing: Perfect Preflow
The algorithm provides a new proof of Edmonds' theorem for arborescence packing, for both integral and real capacities, based on a laminar family of sets ...
Nov 17, 2021 · Abstract. We give an algorithm to find a minimum cut in an edge-weighted directed graph with n vertices and m edges in ˜O(n · max{m2/3,n}) ...
Missing: Perfect Preflow