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Abstract: Tracking acoustic sources via passive sonar is a challenging task common to several underwater monitoring and surveillance systems.
Abstract—Tracking acoustic sources via passive sonar is a challenging task common to several underwater monitoring and surveillance systems.
The proposed tracker controls the number of innovations allowed to occur. It is assumed that innovations are sparse, and thus few sources change their location ...
Some documents are large and may take additional time to load. Download this PDF. Passive Tracking of Underwater Acoustic Sources with Sparse Innovations ...
This work uses sparse-signal modeling tools to develop a computationally-affordable broadband tracking algorithm for an entire source-location map (SLM).
This work uses sparse-signal modeling tools to develop a computationally-affordable broadband tracking algorithm for an entire source-location map (SLM).
Oct 22, 2024 · This paper provides a novel passive underwater acoustic method to track a moving object called source or target, with the following ...
Missing: sparse | Show results with:sparse
This paper considers large scattered arrays for 3D underwater acoustic positioning and imaging, where the hydrophone sensors, in the array, form a network over ...
Missing: innovations. | Show results with:innovations.
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A system and a method involve acoustic source localization for multiple acoustic sources using passive sonar. Tracks are constructed based on source ...
Passive tracking of underwater acoustic sources with sparse innovations. Patent number: 9384447. Abstract: A system and method involve acoustic source ...