Given a class of graphs G , a graph G is a probe graph of G if its vertices can be partitioned into a set of probes and an independent set of nonprobes such ...
Given a class of graphs , a graph is a probe graph of if its vertices can be partitioned into a set ℙ of probes and an independent set ℕ of nonprobes such ...
In this paper, we propose an O(nm)- time algorithm for the recognition of partitioned probe comparability graphs, where n and m are the numbers of vertices and ...
Abstract. Given a class of graphs G, a graph G is a probe graph of G if its vertices can be partitioned into a set P of probes and an independent.
This paper shows that there exists a polynomial-time algorithm for the recognition of partitioned probe graphs of comparability graphs of cocomparability ...
Given a class of graphs G, a graph G is a probe graph of G if its vertices can be partitioned into a set of probes and an independent set of nonprobes such ...
This paper gives an O(nm)-time algorithm for recognizing probe graphs of distance-hereditary graphs, a type of graph that is distance hereditary and has ...
A graph is a probe co-comparability graph if its vertex set can be partitioned into two sets, probes (P) and non-probes (N), such that N is independent and ...
People also ask
What is a comparability graph?
Is every comparability graph perfect?
Given a class of graphs G, a graph G is a probe graph of G if its vertices can be partitioned into two sets, P (the probes) and N (the nonprobes), ...
In a partitioned probe graph the vertex set is partitioned into probes and non-probes, such that the set of non-probes is an independent set.