More generally, we investigate the problem of how to exploit structure inherent in a set of logical axioms to induce a partitioning of the axioms that will ...
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We investigate the problem of reasoning with partitions of related logical axioms. Our moti- vation is two-fold. First, we are concerned with how to reason ...
In this paper we show how tree decomposition can be applied to reasoning with first-order and propositional logic theories. Our motivation is two-fold.
This work provides algorithms for reasoning with partitions of axioms in propositional and first-order logic and provides a greedy algorithm that ...
Partition-based logical reasoning. Authors: Eyal Amir.
In this paper, we describe a novel representa- tion for interactive belief hierarchies that combines first-order logic and probability. The semantics of this ...
In this paper we show how tree decomposition can be applied to reasoning with first-order and propositional logic theories.
Partition-Based Logical Reasoning. Amir, E. & McIlraith, S. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation ...
Partition-based logical reasoning for first-order and propositional theories · Eyal Amir & Sheila McIlraith · Artificial Intelligence 162 (1-2):49-88 (2005).
Can we generate partitionings in which both partition sizes and link language sizes are small? Can partition-based reasoning outperform other strategies?