Motivated by such problem, this paper proposes a method for the estimation of the nonlinear characteristic of the (quadrature) flux linkage in a PMSM based on a ...
The identification is carried out using a relay with hysteresis in feedback, the parameter estimation is done solely by solving state-space equations at ...
The identification is based on the Hammerstein model, where the motor is divided into linear dynamics and static nonlinearity. The newton's method is used for ...
Bibliographic details on Parametric identification of PM synchronous motors: A Hammerstein-model approach.
This paper describes the identification of permanent magnet synchronous motor through Hammerstein model. Motor is divided into two systems: a static nonlinear ...
The identification is based on the Hammerstein model, where the motor is divided into linear dynamics and static nonlinearity. The newton's method is used for ...
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Parametric identification of PM synchronous motors: A Hammerstein-model approach. Riccardo Antonello, Matteo Carraro, Fabio Tinazzi, Mauro Zigliotto ...
This paper describes the identification of permanent magnet synchronous motor through Hammerstein model. Motor is divided into two systems: a static ...
Considering overcurrent and total disturbances, i.e. measurement noise, parameter uncertainties, external load torque disturbance etc., ...
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Dec 30, 2019 · Abstract: In this paper, a system identification method for continuous fractional-order Hammerstein models is proposed.