Papyres which combines various tools and functionalities, including Web2.0 technique, enabling researchers to maintain and manipulate bibliographies.
Dec 12, 2020 · Papyres which combines various tools and functionalities, including Web2.0 technique, enabling researchers to maintain and manipulate bibliographies.
Papyres which combines various tools and functionalities, including Web2.0 technique, enabling researchers to maintain and manipulate bibliographies.
Papyres employs a Hybrid recommender system that combines both Content-based and Collaborative filtering to help researchers locate research material.
Dec 12, 2020 · As such, in this paper we propose a new class of systems,. Research Paper Management Systems, and we highlight our. system Papyres to ...
Bibliographic details on Papyres: A Research Paper Management System.
Papyres: A Research Paper Management System. Conference Paper · July 2008. DOI: 10.1109/CECandEEE.2008.132 · Source: DBLP. CITATIONS READS 24 5,343. 3 authors ...
Papyres: A Research Paper Management System. Naak A., Hage H., Aïmeur E. Expand. Publication type: Proceedings Article. Publication date: 2008-07-01. IEEE.
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Papyres employs a Hybrid recommender system that combines both Content-based and Collaborative filtering to help researchers locate research material.
Papyrus is capable of producing millions of document pages per hour on Windows, Unix/Linux, Mainframe and in the Cloud, as well as enabling interactive editing.
Missing: Papyres: Research