Oct 15, 2023 · Abstract:This paper studies the design, control, and learning of a novel robotic limb that produces overconstrained locomotion by employing ...
Overconstrained Robotic Limb with Energy-Efficient, Omni-directional Locomotion. from arxiv.org
These findings highlight the biological distinctions in limb design between reptiles and mammals and represent the first documented instance of overconstrained ...
This study investigates the design of overconstrained linkages as robotic legs with coaxial actuation starting with the simplest case, Bennett linkage.
Jan 13, 2024 · The proposed prototype quadruped was capable of omni-directional locomotion and had a minimal turning radius (0.2 Body Length) using the fewest ...
This work proposes a computational optimization framework for optimizing leg design during basic walking while maximizing energy efficiency.
This work proposes a computational optimization framework for optimizing leg design during basic walking while maximizing energy efficiency. We generalize the ...
This work proposes a computational optimization framework for optimizing leg design during basic walking while maximizing energy efficiency. We generalize the ...
... robot for forward trotting. The Bennett robotic leg was advantageous for omni-directional locomotion with enhanced energy efficiency. Persistent Identifier ...
Apr 25, 2024 · Chaoyang Song: Overconstrained Robotic Limb with Energy-Efficient, Omni-directional Locomotion. CoRR abs/2310.09824 (2023). [i1]. view.
This paper presents the first work regarding the design, modeling, and optimization of the Bennett leg module, enabling lateral locomotion, like the crabs, ...