The IRL approach uses a SC (Sequential Covering) strategy with a genetic algorithm to search the best rule. This strategy reduces the problem of learning a set of disjunctive rules to a set of learning problems of a single conjunctive rule. Each rule is searched using a genetic algorithm.
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Ordinal classification based on the sequential covering strategy ; Journal: International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 2016, p. 96-110 ; Publisher: Elsevier ...
Oct 22, 2024 · This analysis is performed through machine learning techniques. In particular, the problem is stated as an ordinal classification/regression ...
We consider the problem of ordinal classification, in which a value set of the decision attribute (output, dependent variable) is fi- nite and ordered. This ...
Ordinal classification based on the sequential covering strategy. Gámez, J.C.; García, D. González, A. Pérez, R. Revista: International Journal of Approximate ...
Feb 10, 2022 · Left: Sequential processing steps. Right: Step-specific processing examples. The detection of ordinal class structures is included in the Data.
Jul 4, 2016 · I want to train a classifier that assigns an image of a person as young, middle-aged, or old. A simple way would be to treat the classes as independent ...
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Ordinal regression (OR) is a learning paradigm lying between classification and regression and has been attracting increasing attention in recent years due ...
Ordinal classification based on the sequential covering strategy. Ordinal classification is a supervised learning problem. The distinctive feature of ordinal ...
This paper proposes a new sequential covering strategy for ACO classification algorithms to mitigate the problem of rule interaction, where the order of the ...