Reversible logic has shown potential to have extensive applications in emerging technologies such as quantum computing, optical computing, ...
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A novel yield estimation and optimization method is proposed based on uniform design sampling (UDS) method, which is one kind of quasi-Monte Carlo method.
Missing: Optimizing Circuits.
Layout optimization for improving yield may affect the circuit performance and vice versa. We analyse the effect of layout modifications for parasitic ...
In this chapter, we are going to discuss yield loss mechanisms, yield analysis and common physical design methods to improve yield. Yield is defined as the ...
In this dissertation, we model and develop novel variation aware solutions for circuit optimization methods such as gate sizing, timing based placement and ...
Dec 26, 2023 · Layout optimization techniques can help you optimize your layout for yield by reducing the sensitivity of your layout to defects, increasing the ...
Missing: VLSI | Show results with:VLSI
Timing budgeting is an essen- tial step in optimization problems (e.g., gate sizing, dual-Vth assignment), and with process variations, how to reduce the design ...
A design approach is presented that optimizes the component areas of integrated circuits so as to maximize the yield. The performance index to be optimized ...
Missing: VLSI | Show results with:VLSI
A novel yield estimation and optimization method is proposed based on uniform design sampling (UDS) method, which is one kind of quasi-Monte Carlo method.
Mar 23, 2009 · Technology scaling has increased the transistor's susceptibility to process variations in nanometer very large scale integrated (VLSI) circuits.