May 10, 2019 · The plugin is embedded in Protégé as separate Protégé Tab containing a toolbar view and a canvas view (Fig. 1). The toolbar view contains the ...
In the paper at hand we de- scribe design options for creating enterprise models by using an ontology as a shared domain conceptualization connected through ...
Design options for creating enterprise models by using an ontology as a shared domain conceptualization connected through ontology-driven conceptual ...
In the paper at hand we describe design options for creating enterprise models by using an ontology as a shared domain conceptualization connected through ...
Ontology-driven Enterprise Modeling: A Plugin for the Protégé Platform. 3 the rules for its composition are based on a formal specification, which can be.
... Ontology-driven enterprise modeling: a plugin for the protégé platform" ? In the paper at hand the authors describe design options for creating enterprise ...
Ontology-Driven Enterprise Modeling: A Plugin for the Protégé Platform. https ... model-based tool for conceptual modeling and domain ontology engineering in ...
Bibliographic details on Ontology-Driven Enterprise Modeling: A Plugin for the Protégé Platform.
A free, open-source ontology editor and framework for building intelligent systems. Protégé is supported by a strong community of academic, government, and ...
Ontology-driven enterprise modeling: A plugin for the protégé platform. B Reitemeyer, HG Fill. Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling: ...