Rules and ontologies play a key role in the layered architecture of the Semantic Web, as they are used to ascribe meaning to, and to reason about, data on the Web.
Nov 21, 2024
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Ontologies and rules are two established paradigms in knowledge modelling, and play an important role for the Semantic Web. In this chapter, we present an ...
Ontology languages, based on Description Logics, and non- monotonic rule languages are two major formalisms for the representa- tion of expressive knowledge and ...
This chapter presents an introduction to common approaches for combining OWL ontologies and rules, and covers the Semantic Web Rules Language SWRL and ...
✓ An ontology is a model easy to understand. ▫ Rules are based on logic programming. ✓ For the sake of decidability, ontology languages don't offer.
Abstract. F-logic is a formalism that integrates logic with object-oriented programming in a clean and declarative fashion. It has been success-.
For the development of practical semantic applications, ontologies are commonly used with rule extensions. Prominent examples of semantic applications not ...
Sep 8, 2021 · Ontology languages, based on Description Logics, and nonmonotonic rule languages are two major formalisms for the representation of ...
Abstract. The integration of a rule representation in ontology languages enhances the developer's abilities in the expression of knowl-.
Jun 23, 2018 · Abstract. For the development of practical semantic applications, ontologies are commonly used with rule extensions.