May 17, 2019 · ABSTRACT. Matching markets with historical data are abundant in many appli- cations, e.g., matching candidates to jobs in hiring, ...
In all these applications, a match consumes one or more shared and limited resources and the goal is to best utilize these to maximize a global objective.
ABSTRACT. Matching markets with historical data are abundant in many appli- cations, e.g., matching candidates to jobs in hiring, workers to tasks.
May 13, 2019 · The goal is to design an (online) assignment policy that maximizes the total expected profit without violating the (hard) budget constraint. We ...
Nov 18, 2019 · In this work, our goal is to recommend items to users as they arrive on a webpage sequentially, in an online manner, in order to maximize reward ...
In this paper, we consider an online resource allocation problem, where buyers with limited budgets are interested in purchasing items that consume a limited ...
Mar 30, 2021 · Ant Group has implemented a flexible, high-performance, stable, and scalable online resource allocation system based on Ray.
The goal is to maximize the total weight of the allocated edges subject to the constraint that the sum of costs of the edges allocated to every u ∈ U is at most ...
This paper describes a resource allocation algorithm which, in such a system environment, yields a desirable matching between donors and consumers. We assume ...
The aim of resource allocation is to efficiently distribute limited resources to fulfill a set of requests while optimizing for a welfare objective.