The objective of this study is to determine the appropriate avoidance action (direction and tim- ing) that a robot should take in order to minimize the risk of ...
Aug 20, 2016 · The objective of this study is to determine the appropriate avoidance action (direction and timing) that a robot should take in order to ...
When two pedestrians pass one another on busy intersections or pedestrian crossings, they may try to avoid each other by moving in the same direction.
When two pedestrians pass one another on busy intersections or pedestrian crossings, they may try to avoid each other by moving in the same direction.
<p>When two pedestrians pass one another on busy intersections or pedestrian crossings, they may try to avoid each other by moving in the same direction.
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May 5, 2022 · Shibata, Oncoming Human Avoidance for Autonomous Mobile Robot Based on Gait Characteristics, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics. 28 (2016) ...
Dec 9, 2024 · Significance The results suggest that the human-waist provides an indicator to predict the avoidance direction. Our findings could be adopted in ...
T. Tomizawa and Y. Shibata: Oncoming human avoidance for autonomous mobile robots based on gait characteristics. J. Robotics Mecatronics 28 (2016) ...
Our results show differences in the strategy set by humans to avoid a robot in comparison with avoiding another human. Humans prefer to give the way to the ...
Missing: Oncoming | Show results with:Oncoming
Oncoming Human Avoidance for Autonomous Mobile Robot Based on Gait Characteristics Tetsuo Tomizawa and Yuya Shibata, pedestrian avoidance, gait ...