ABSTRACT—A new recognition system based on a neuro-fuzzy system, called FasArt, is proposed in this paper. Satisfactory results were obtained using the ...
A new recognition system based on a neuro-fuzzy system, called FasArt, is proposed, with better experimental results for the method based on biological ...
This paper presents a new on-line algorithm for creating a self-organizing fuzzy neural network (SOFNN) from sample patterns to implement a singleton or ...
The author describes a system that recognizes on-line Arabic cursive handwriting. In this system, a genetic algorithm is used to select the best combination ...
This paper proposes an efficient method for on-line recognition of cursive Korean characters. Since Korean characters are composed of two or three graphemes ...
This paper proposes a model of fuzzy chaotic neuron (FCN), which is derived from chaotic neuron, as to combine fuzzy logic with chaotic neural network. We first ...
Jul 1, 2020 · The purpose of this paper is to describe experiments com- paring the use of neural networks trained with crisp and fuzzy desired outputs in ...
Introduces a fuzzy representation for isolated character description. This representation maps a character from its original sequence of 2D coordinates into ...
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On-line character analysis and recognition with fuzzy neural networks ; ISSN · 1079-8587 ; Ano de publicación · 2001 ; Volume · 7 ; Número · 3 ; Páxinas · 163-175.
A fuzzy rule-based system is defined that uses uncertain infor- mation provided by image processing and neural network-based character recognition modules to ...