In this paper we prove that computing the minimum number of cops that can catch a robber on a given graph is NP-hard. Also we show that the parameterized ...
The Cops and Robbers game is played on undirected graphs where a group of cops tries to catch a robber. The game was defined independently by Winkler-Nowakowski ...
... On tractability of Cops and Robbers game, IFIP TCS 2008,. 171-185. To show the polynomiality of the game on interval graphs, we introduce a new auxiliary game.
Oct 22, 2024 · The Cops and Robbers game is played on undirected graphs where a group of cops tries to catch a robber. The game was defined independently ...
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In this paper we prove that computing the minimum number of cops that can catch a robber in a given graph is NP-hard. Also we show that the parameterized ...
Goldvach, J. Kratochvıl, On tractability of the Cops and Robbers game. In: Fifth IFIP International Conference On The- oretical Computer Science- TCS 2008 ...
On tractability of Cops and Robbers game · F. FominP. GolovachJan Kratochvíl. Computer Science, Mathematics. IFIP TCS. 2008. TLDR. It is proved that computing ...
A parametrized problem Π is fixed-parameter tractable (FPT) if there is an algorithm that, given an instance. (I,k) of Π, solves it in time f(k) · |I|O(1) ...
The game is played over a sequence of discrete time-steps; a round of the game is a move by the cops together with the subsequent move by the robber. The cops ...
We study versions of cop and robber pursuit–evasion games on the visibility graphs of polygons, and inside polygons with straight and curved sides.