In this paper, we have studied the relationships between topological measures of real-world networks. The visual analysis, presented in Subsection 4.1 ...
Our study thus suggests that the set of commonly used measures is too extensive to concisely characterize the topology of complex networks. It also provides an ...
Oct 22, 2024 · The relationship among topological measures for various real-world networks: clustering coefficient, assortativity coefficient, rich-club ...
Our study thus suggests that the set of commonly used measures is too extensive to concisely characterize the topology of complex networks. It also provides an ...
Node correlations play an important role in the characterization of the topology of complex networks. The most general approach to measure corre- lation among ...
On the relationships between topological measures in real-world networks. Journal article (2008). Authors. A Jamakovic Network Architectures and Services - ...
This study suggests that the set of commonly used metrics is too extensive to concisely characterize the topology of complex networks and provides an ...
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The enhanced characterization of the connectivity provided by the set of hierarchical measurements also allows the use of agglomerative clustering methods in ...
TL;DR: This study suggests that the set of commonly used metrics is too extensive to concisely characterize the topology of complex networks and provides an ...
This paper unifies several branches of data-driven complex network analysis, such as the study of graph metrics and their pair-wise relationships, network ...