Jul 1, 2016 · Fuzzy quantifiers representing absolute quantities are defined using fuzzy numbers on N meanwhile quantifiers used to represent relative ...
Jul 1, 2016 · We have presented two different visions of fuzzy quantification: “unary and binary” fuzzy quantifiers in the sense given by Zadeh and semi-fuzzy ...
Two different frameworks arise in order to model this imprecision in quantification: Zadeh's fuzzy quantifiers and the fuzzification of generalized ...
We present and compare both models, concluding that although the concept of quantifier in each model has not the same semantics, we can establish a connection ...
On the relation between fuzzy and generalized quantifiers · M. Dolores Ruiz, D. Sánchez, M. Delgado · Published in Fuzzy Sets Syst. 1 July 2016 · Computer Science, ...
Oct 16, 2015 · Two different frameworks arise in order to model this imprecision in quantification: Zadeh's fuzzy quantifiers and the fuzzification of ...
Abstract. Fuzzy quantified sentences have been widely applied for modeling statements in Natural Language since they allow to represent a.
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Jul 1, 2024 · In this paper, we introduce a new benchmark, FRoG, for fuzzy reasoning, featuring real-world mathematical word problems that incorporate generalized ...
Sep 21, 2022 · This paper introduces a new definition of the immediate consequences operator considered in many fuzzy logic programming frameworks.
There exists a huge gap between these quantifiers. This is a natural motivation for studying fuzzy relational compositions defined based on generalized ...