Moreover, all network nodes can be localized by using PASS in a distributed manner to harness the uncertainties of dependent factors involved in localization, ...
Given system statistics, the proposed PASS method finds out the global optimum solution with a high probability through the robust search assisted with search ...
Moreover, all network nodes can be localized by using PASS in a distributed manner to harness the uncertainties of dependent factors involved in localization, ...
Dec 16, 2015 · Complicated objective function calculation should be resolved. Reference node location errors should be considered. Bingpeng Zhou and Qingchun ...
A novel particle-assisted stochastic search (PASS) algorithm is proposed to find out the optimal node locations based on its non-convex objective function ...
In this paper, a novel particle-assisted stochastic search (PASS) algorithm is proposed to realize the cooperative localization. Given a nonconvex objective ...
In this paper, a novel particle-assisted stochastic search (PASS) algorithm is proposed to realize the cooperative localization. Given a nonconvex objective ...
On the particle-assisted stochastic search mechanism in wireless cooperative localization. B Zhou, Q Chen. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 15 (7) ...
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In this survey, we review recent advances on cooperative localization techniques and identify critical challenges in realistic cooperative localization ...
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