Different from physical-marking based approaches this work investigates authentication of drugs based on intrinsic texture features of the packaging material.
Experiments indicate that a classifier can be trained with a set of known instances and is able to authenticate unseen instances. TODO. Real world data from ...
Therefore, it is assumed that the packaging material of a certain drug shows constant but discriminative textural features which enable authentication, i.e. to ...
In this work, we investigate the feasibility of a classification- based drug authentication system based on images of the cardboard packaging and top & bottom ...
On the feasibility of classification-based product package authentication. R Schraml, L Debiasi, C Kauba, A Uhl. 2017 IEEE Workshop on Information Forensics ...
This work investigates the principal feasibility and acknowledge open issues for a mobile device drug packaging authentication system and provides results ...
On the feasibility of classification-based product package authentication. In: 2017 IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security. 2017 ...
On the feasibility of classification-based product package authentication. R Schraml, L Debiasi, C Kauba, A Uhl. 2017 IEEE Workshop on Information Forensics ...
To achieve the superordinate – future – goal of automatic and user-specific identification and provision of knowledge, a step-by-step approach is required.
Missing: authentication. | Show results with:authentication.
The Guide to Cost Estimate Classification Systems provides a roadmap and annotated table of contents for finding AACE International (AACE) recommended ...