Nov 13, 2019 · On the Relativized Alon Eigenvalue Conjecture II: Asymptotic Expansion Theorems for Walks. Authors:Joel Friedman, David Kohler.
This article proves the existence of asymptotic expansions in powers of $1/n$ for $f(k,n)$, where the coefficients---functions of $k$---are proven to have ...
We prove the existence of asymptotic expansions in powers of 1/n for f(k,n), where the coefficients---functions of k---are proven to have some desirable ...
On the Relativized Alon Eigenvalue Conjecture II: Asymptotic Expansion Theorems for Walks. CoRR abs/1911.05705 (2019). [i5]. view. electronic edition @ arxiv ...
On the Relativized Alon Eigenvalue Conjecture II: Asymptotic Expansion Theorems for Walks, with David Kohler, November 13, 2019. arxiv posting. On the ...
On the Relativized Alon Eigenvalue Conjecture II: Asymptotic Expansion Theorems for Walks. This is the second in a series of articles devoted to showing that ...
A relativization of the Alon Second Eigenvalue Conjecture for all $d-regular base graphs, B, with $d\ge 3$ is proved, which represents an improvement over ...
On the Relativized Alon Eigenvalue Conjecture II: Asymptotic Expansion Theorems for Walks · Preprint. November 2019. ·. 2 Reads. Joel Friedman. ·. David Kohler.
Abstract. This is the second in a series of articles devoted to showing that a typical covering map of large degree to a fixed, regular graph has its new ad ...
Mar 13, 2014 · Page 1. The Relativized Second Eigenvalue Conjecture of. Alon. Joel Friedman. David-Emmanuel Kohler. Author address: Department of Computer ...