Our bounds and approximations for the relative cost of sampling show how this cost depends on the size of the input relations, the number of input relations, ...
May 24, 1994 · These results provide insight into when sampling should or should not be used for join selectivity estimation.
We compare the cost of estimating the selectivity of a “star join” using sampling procedure t.cross to the cost of simply computing the join and obtaining.
Abstract: We compare empirically the cost of estimating the selectivity of a star join using the sampling-based t-cross procedure to the cost of computing ...
A collection of fixed-step and fixed-precision procedures for estimating the cost of processing a join query according to a fixed join plan.
Peter J. Haas, Jeffrey F. Naughton, Arun N. Swami On the Relative Cost of Sampling for Join Selectivity Estimation PODS, 1994.
We compare the performance of sampling-based procedures for estimating the selectivity of a join. While some of the procedures have.
We propose a new approach to the estimation of join selectivity. The technique, which we have called "systematic sampling", is a novel variant of the ...
On the relative cost of sampling for join selectivity estimation · Computer Science. ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART Symposium on Principles… · 1994.
For homogeneous star joins, the relative cost of sampling decreases as the skew in the distribution of join attribute values increases; for het- erogeneous star ...